27 de fevereiro de 2014


Call for Papers: International conference “Interactive Narratives, New Media and Social Engagement”   
Date: October 24th and 25th, 2014
Place: Victoria College, University of Toronto, Canada
Submission deadline: May 1st, 2014

An interdisciplinary conference for researchers and practitioners.

How has the digital screen changed our world in general and narrative and visual arts in particular is the broad focus of the second Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Toronto and BRAFFTV Film and Media international Conference.

We are interested, for instance, in the evolution of narrative practices from text-based literature to the advent of the digital revolution as storytelling moves from literacy to so-called post-literacy.

The prevalence of new interactive digital narrative in all areas from games, to literature, to films, to video art has resulted in new forms of storytelling and, accordingly, provoked new practices of reading that transforms readers/viewers into active collaborators.

We are interested in exploring transmedia, intermediality, the role of social media and digital globalization as well as narratives in games and graphic novels. Also, the impact of the digital screen on art and new exhibition practices.

Physical public space is increasingly being substituted or augmented by virtual space through digital screens (e.g. video, film, computer). What effect do these new developments have on social space, seen here as encompassing both physical public spaces (streets, hotels, coffee shops) as well as virtual space (YouTube, Vine, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Orkut, etc.)? How do these novel practices effect previously clearly demarcated frontiers between the public and the private?

Throughout the world, from Brazil to Turkey to Canada, we have recently witness the influence of social media on political participation. How have these new platforms engendered innovative forms of expression?

The Conference aims to bring together researchers, practitioners and theorists for a two-day conference at Victoria College at the University of Toronto on October 24-25. The presented papers will be evaluated for possible inclusion in a special issue of a journal on the proceedings.

The following key topics/areas will be emphasized during the conference:

1. Intermediality, Transmedia and Remediation
2. Expanded Cinema and Digital Screen Aesthetics
3. Transnational Cinema and International Co-Productions
4. Digital Animation and Games: Narrative and Interactivity
5. Snack Media, Mobile Screens, Micro Movie, and Microblogging
6. Social Media Engagement and New Technologies
7. Hacktivism and Political Engagement
8. Digital Art and Literature (eBooks, eReaders)
9. Communication and New Media

Send an Abstract (between 180 and 300 words in length including the research objectives, theoretical framework and methodology) and Brief Bio-CV (100 words maximum) by May 1st, 2014 to brafftvconference@gmail.com Each proposal must include title, name(s), affiliation, institutional address and email addresses of the author(s).

Travel and accommodation costs will be covered by participants. The organizers will, on request, provide the necessary letters for the purposes of issuing visas to foreign visitors. 

Further information on our previous conference visit the website: brafftv.com/en/conference.html

Visite o site da Revista Intermídias